Student Spotlight

Student Spotlight: María Alejandra Páez Mateus

Student Spotlight: María Alejandra Páez Mateus

Human Resources

| By: Anonym

Career Program: Human Resources
Hometown: Bogotá, Colombia
Current Residence: Neenah
Age: 25
Attended FVTC: 2016 - Present

Why did you choose the Human Resources​ program?

I chose to study Human Resources because I really enjoy working with people. I also think people are one of the most important assets in a company.

What are you learning about your career field that you find interesting or rewarding?

I’ve discovered that I'm really interested in the training and development area, and I think my personality and knowledge fit very well into that!

Why did you choose Fox Valley Technical College?

FVTC is a great school for many reasons. It’s a diverse place, and the people who work there are friendly and always willing to help. The campus also has many different tools that help me to perform well in my classes.

How did Fox Valley Technical College help you change your life?

Through FVTC, I have met wonderful people that have changed my life. Learning English also helped me to communicate and understand the culture better; it has been one of my biggest achievements.

What type of job do you expect to find after graduation?

I would like to work for a company where I have the chance to use my language skills and interact with people from different backgrounds and cultures. In the future, I would like to be a training and development specialist.