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Upcoming Events


Work for Yourself at 50 Plus

AARP Foundation’s Work for Yourself @ 50+ initiative will help you gain the knowledge, support, and resources you need to make informed decisions about working for yourself and learn what it takes to launch a successful self-employment venture. The decision to start your own business can be both exciting and daunting.


End of Spring Semester and Short Term 4

End of Spring Semester and Short Term 4


Spring Commencement Ceremony

Congratulations, graduates!


Textbook Rentals Due

Textbook Rentals Due


Final Fee Payment Due for June 3 Start Classes - Summer Semester

Final Fee Payment Due for June 3 Start Classes - Summer Semester


College Closed for Memorial Day

College Closed for Memorial Day

Student & Alumni Spotlight

A Servant’s Heart

A Servant’s Heart

Fire Protection student Tessa Wilson is preparing to start a career serving the public. She is also a deserving recipient of the Mitch Lundgaard...
Student Spotlight: Sean Hogan

Student Spotlight: Sean Hogan

With his love of figuring out how things work, Sean was able to turn his passion into a career with the Mechanical Design Technology Program at...
Heavy-Duty Operations

Heavy-Duty Operations

The hands-on Diesel Equipment Technology program is exactly what Kyle Kollmann needs to gain the skills to take over the family business. 

Styling a Career

Styling a Career

Cosmetology graduate Lenny Murphy was one of the first students to learn in FVTC's Trilogy Salon & Spa, which opened in 2019. He...