EXCELerated Leadership Skills

Customize and create a targeted training series to build the foundational skills of leaders, supervisors and managers. Each 4-hour course addresses step-by-step behaviors and communications that increase team members **motivation, productivity, accountability, trust and commitment** and align them to the organization's strategic objectives.
View *course options* to learn more or request a consultation to plan your on-site customized training.

    Additional Information

  • Course Options
    **Leading through Motivation** - *4 hours*
    * Deal with team members on a day-to-day basis in such a way to maintain and enhance their self-esteem
    * Base discussions about performance and work habits on behavior rather than on personalities and attitudes
    * Involve team members in goal-setting, problem-solving and decision-making
    **Leading through Communication** - *4 hours*
    * See that communication is a two-way process
    * Construct clear, concise messages in the interest of the listener
    * Manage nonverbal behaviors to reinforce the intent of messages
    * Listen actively to improve communication
    * Create a climate of open communication
    **Coaching Job Skills** - *4 hours*
    * Understand what coaching is, why it is important, and how it supports individual and company goals
    * Prepare for a coaching session by using observation and analysis to build a plan for a successful dialog
    * Use coaching as a way to build a valuable sense of teamwork between the team leader and team member
    **Improving Work Habits** - *4 hours*
    * Recognize the difference between job performance and work habits
    * Understand that unsatisfactory behaviors must be dealt with quickly and effectively
    * Explain clearly and specifically the nature of the team members unsatisfactory work habit while focusing on behaviors rather than attitude
    * Use action plans and reviews to improve work habits and accountability
    **Developing Performance Goals** - *4 hours*
    * Identify and set performance standards that are specific, measurable, attainable, results-oriented, and time-framed using concrete active language
    * Negotiate to develop performance standards for team members that address both desired results and team members capabilities
    * Monitor team members progress toward their goals by holding review meetings
    **Providing Performance Feedback** - *4 hours*
    * Base assessments on facts and behavior
    * Assess performance and use positive feedback to motivate team members
    * Gain team member participation and agreement with assessment
    * Gain team member commitment to the change needed to improve performance
    **Effective Discipline** - *4 hours*
    * Use effective discipline to eliminate problem behaviors
    * Communicate concerns in terms of behavior rather than perception or opinion
    * Minimize defensiveness and focus on solutions
    * Review performance to make sure the problem is resolved
    * Manage nonverbal behaviors to reinforce the intent of messages
    **Managing Team Member Complaints** - *4 hours*
    * Understand why team member complaints must be dealt with rather than dismissed
    * Understand techniques used to determine underlying problems
    * Manage various techniques to solve problems while maintaining a positive relationship with the team member
    **Resolving Conflict** - *4 hours*
    * Accept conflict as an inevitable part of all work situations and deal with it in order to maintain individual and team focus and productivity
    * Recognize the positive and negative impacts of conflicts and leverage conflict to everyone's advantage
    * Distinguish between the two major sources of conflict so that it can be resolved fairly and effectively
    * Establish a cooperative atmosphere to resolve conflicts when they arise
    **Delegating** - *4 hours*
    * Understand the role of delegation
    * Use a delegation process that ensures team member involvement
    * Establish a team members responsibility and authority for a delegated task
    **Supporting & Leading Change** - *4 hours*
    * Understand why change is hard from a neuroscience perspective
    * Adopt principles to survive and thrive in today's fast changing world
    * Leverage powerful tools and techniques to adapt to change
    * Learn the top predictable reasons why change efforts typically fail
    * Prepare for the stages of change over time in respect to team member engagement, productivity, and adoption of the change
    * Communicate with team members to overcome the 4 fears of change
    * Strategize for leading change successfully
    * Promote positive change with the 6-step approach
  • Target Audience
    The leadership modules develop foundational skills for **frontline leads, supervisors and managers**. Companion training is available for managers of the participants to coach and model the skills taught in class, while making participants accountable to put the skills into practice.
  • Benefits & Outcomes
    This outcomes-based leadership training is expected to:
    * Improve employee skills while providing opportunities to apply learning to the workplace
    * Improve the work environment and positively impact productivity
    * Address talent management and development needs of frontline leaders
    * Improve organization capability to encourage higher levels of performance
Business & Industry Services (BIS)
5 N. Systems Drive
Appleton, WI 54914-1655

P: 888-458-0449
P: 920-735-2525
F: 920-735-4771