Student Spotlight

Student Spotlight: Alesha Handa

Student Spotlight: Alesha Handa


| By: Anonym

Career Program: Accounting
Hometown: Delhi, India
Current Residence: Appleton
Age: 30
Attended FVTC: Fall 2015 - Fall 2019

Why did you choose the Accounting program?

Accounting is found in almost every industry in the world and is a growing career field. I enjoy it, so a career in accounting seemed like a perfect fit.

What are you learning about your career field that you find interesting or rewarding?

Accounting is one of the most important things in any industry or company. No matter what happens in the economy, the need for accounting never goes away. As a company grows, the accounting work increases, so there is always a great opportunity in it.

Why did you choose Fox Valley Technical College?

FVTC resources like the library, instructors, and their hands-on way of teaching have been a great help to me in my studies. All the faculty are so helpful.

How did Fox Valley Technical College help you change your life?

I came from India and started at FVTC in 2015. FVTC gave me the opportunity to interact with new people and learn the culture of a new country. I have made great friends and met the best instructors who are always ready to help.

What type of job do you expect to find after graduation?

There are a lot of options for jobs, like financial analyst, accountant, tax preparer, and controller. After graduation, I would like to get a position as an accountant.