Skills Assessment

Most FVTC programs use our multiple options placement processes to start you on your path to success.  For many programs, you may submit your high school GPA to confirm your readiness to begin college courses. Other options include previous college credits you have earned, ACT scores, GED testing, and more. If none of these fit your situation, don’t worry, Fox Valley Tech administers the placement assessments to match each program.

From the test sections below, see “PROGRAMS THAT REQUIRE…” to determine which skills assessment is required for your program.

These include: ACCUPLACER (Next-Generation), Bennett Mechanical Comprehension Test, and the TEAS.  

The ACCUPLACER will be waived if you meet one of the following options:

  1. High school GPA of 2.75 or higher if graduated within the last 10 years. Submit your high school transcript to Admissions. 
  2. Previous college credits or completed at least an associate's degree. Submit your college transcript to Admissions for evaluation.
  3. Have taken the Reasoning Through Language Arts and/or Mathematical Reasoning with the 2014 GED series tests; earning a score of 165 or higher and completed within the last 10 years.  Submit your score report to Admissions for evaluation.
  4. Have taken and earned the required score on either the ACT, Asset, Companion, or Compass assessments within the last 3 years. Submit your scores to Admissions for evaluation.

Note:  ONLY ACCUPLACER scores may be waived.  The TEAS and Bennett Mechanical exams are required for the respective programs. 

Need Disability-Related Accommodations? If you need disability services: Disability Services. Appleton: 920-735-2569 Or, Oshkosh: 920-236-6155

Accuplacer (Next Generation)


Accuplacer is a computerized test that evaluates your skills and places you into appropriate level courses. It is an untimed test used to determine students' knowledge in the areas of reading, writing, arithmetic, and quantitative reasoning, algebra, & statistics (QAS). Students take an average of 2 hours to complete. 

Programs that Require Accuplacer

Most associate degree and technical diploma programs require a skills assessment prior to full admission into the program. Check the Admission Requirements section to see if your program requires a skills assessment. 

Check My Program

Accuplacer Options

The Accuplacer is a proctored exam. Students have three proctor options:

  1. In-Person Testing at FVTC – students can register to take the ACCUPLACER at the FVTC-Appleton Main campus (or at one of our regional centers: Chilton, Clintonville, Oshkosh, Waupaca, Wautoma).  Accuplacer test sessions are available during designated times each week.
  2. Online Testing with Remote Proctoring – students can request a voucher to take the test online with a live proctor through PROCTOR U. Students must have a computer/laptop and test-taking environment that meets the Proctor U minimum requirements. Online testing with Proctor U test sessions are available 24/7/365.
  3. Testing at a non-FVTC testing center – students can request a voucher to take the test at a testing center that is not affiliated with FVTC (option for out-of-state students).  With the voucher, students can register to take the test at an approved testing center and the scores will be sent to FVTC. Test session schedules vary by individual test site.
Fees & Payment
  1. In-Person Testing at FVTC – Fee = $15 (non-refundable) Your fees can be paid online via your MyFVTC Account or by mailing a check to:

    1825 N Bluemound Drive
    Appleton WI 54912

    If you are not able to attend the ACCUPLACER assessment at your scheduled time, you MUST drop the class to receive a refund. If you do not drop the class before the day you are scheduled to test, you are responsible for the fee. You can drop the class through your MyFVTC account or by calling Enrollment Services at least one business day in advance at 920-735-5645.
  2. Online Testing with Remote Proctoring – Fee = $28
    Remote Proctoring fees are paid to Proctor U (Credit/Debit card) through the exam scheduling process. For cancelations and refunds, please email and include your name, email address, exam ID, and order number from your receipt.

    *Please note that there are additional fee’s for scheduling a test less than 72 hours in advance
  3. Testing at another institution or non-FVTC testing center – Fee’s and payment methods vary for each testing site. Students who request a voucher to take the test at a non-FVTC testing site are required to pay the fee set by that individual institution or site. The FVTC Assessment Center can assist you in exploring non-FVTC testing center options and identifying fee’s.
How to Register

If you haven’t already, please submit high school and/or college transcripts to Admissions. 

  1. In-Person Testing at FVTC – Students can register for Accuplacer test sessions through their MYFVTC account. If you need help with the registration process, please contact Enrollment Services at 920-735-5645 or Please have your FVTC student ID number ready.
    Helpful information and tutorials on how to register for sessions
  2. Online Testing with Remote Proctoring – To request a voucher to take the Accuplacer exam online with remote proctoring through Proctor U, students must email or call the FVTC Assessment Center with the following information:
    •    Name
    •    Student ID#
    •    Date of Birth
    •    Email
    •    State of Residence
    •    FVTC program (or the sections of the test the student needs to take)
    FVTC Assessment Center: | 920-993-5139
  3. Testing at a Non-FVTC Testing Center – To request a voucher to take the Accuplacer at another institution or at a non-FVTC testing center, students must email or call the FVTC Assessment Center with the following information:
    •    Name
    •    Student ID#
    •    Date of Birth
    •    Email
    •    State of Residence
    •    FVTC program (or the sections of the test the student needs to take)
    FVTC Assessment Center: | 920-993-5139
Preparing for ACCUPLACER

Several resources and practice tests are available to help you prepare for ACCUPLACER:

College Board Sample Questions

General Math Help


Mometrix Test Prep

FVTC Library Resources – two books available on reserve to study while on the Appleton campus

Union Test Prep

Ed Ready

Day of Assessment

On-Campus Testing:

On the day of your scheduled ACCUPLACER test, report to the appropriate room. Be sure to have:

  • Current photo ID clearly showing your first and last name with a photograph. Copies, faxes, phones cannot be used. The name on your ID MUST match the name you are registered for in the FVTC system. Bring name-change documentation, if needed.
  • Your FVTC student ID number


  • Arrive at least 10 minutes early. Late arrivals to the room will not be allowed to test.
  • ACCPULACER is not timed, but typically takes about two hours to complete. Please plan your schedule accordingly.
  • Please limit personal items to only what is needed as stated above.
  • Upon completion, you will receive your score report.

You will be allowed to re-test only once. All re-test sections must be completed in one session. We recommend 30 days before re-testing to allow yourself time to study. To schedule a re-test, follow the same registration instructions as your initial assessment. Another $15 assessment fee will be charged.

Accessing your Scores

At the completion of your assessment you will receive your score report. 

If you need to access your scores later, you can access the ACCUPLACER Student Portal.

If  you need FVTC to send your scores to another school, employer, etc., complete and submit the Release of Accuplacer Scores form.


All apprenticeship programs do not have the same requirements. Please contact your apprenticeship program to find out if you need to take an ACCUPLACER. 

If you do need to take an ACCUPLACER for your program, please call Enrollment Services at 920-735-5645 to schedule a time to test.

Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS)

About the TEAS

The ATI TEAS Version 7 is comprised of four content areas: reading, math, science, and English and language usage. The TEAS 7 contains 39 reading, 34 math, 44 science, and 33 English and language usage scored items. There are 170 total items assessed on the ATI TEAS Version 7, which includes 150 scored items and 20 un-scored, pretest items. 

Additional information can be found here

TEAS format and how the test is scored (PDF)

Programs that Require TEAS

Students applying to the following programs are required to take the ATI TEAS:

  • Pre-Associate Degree Nursing
  • Pre-Practical Nursing
  • LPN-to-ADN Pathway
  • Paramedic to ADN Pathway
  • Dental Hygienist programs
  • Neurodiagnostic Technologist
  • Medical Lab Technician
  • Veterinary Technician
Fees & Payment

There is a $70 non-refundable fee for taking the TEAS.  Your fees can be paid online via your MyFVTC account or by mailing a check to:
1825 N Bluemound Dr.
Appleton, WI  54912-2277 
If you are unable to attend the TEAS at your scheduled time, you MUST drop the class to receive a refund.  If you do not drop the class prior to the start of your scheduled test session, you are responsible for the fee.  You can drop the class through your MyFVTC account or by calling Enrollment Services at (920) 735-5645.

How to Register

If you need help with the registration process, please contact Enrollment Services at 920-735-5645 or

Please have your FVTC student ID number ready.

Helpful information and tutorials on how to register for sessions.

Once your session is scheduled, create an ATI account at prior to your test date. You only need a username and password at this point. Please see our TEAS Instructions (PDF) document for more information on creating your ATI account.

Preparing for the Test

Several resources and practice tests are available to help you prepare for the TEAS. The FVTC library has a limited number of copies of the TEAS Study Guide:

If you would like to briefly review any TEAS subject with a tutor, please contact the Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) at or stop in G200 in the Student Success Center. 

Official TEAS Study Manual

ATI TEAS Smart Prep

ATI TEAS Test Review

TEAS Study app (iTunes)

TEAS Study app (Google Play)

TEAS Test Prep


Effective June 3, 2022, ATI TEAS Version 7 will be given.

Preparing for Version 7:

Official TEAS Study Manual - Version 7
ATI TEAS Smart Prep - Version 7
ATI TEAS Review - Mometrix

Day of Test

Effective June 3, 2022, ATI TEAS Version 7 will be given.

On-campus testing:

On the day of your scheduled TEAS exam, report to the Assessment Center, Room G208 – Appleton Campus. Be sure to have:

  • Current government-issued photo ID (driver’s license, state ID, passport). Copies, faxes, phones cannot be used. The name on your ID MUST match the name you are registered for in the system. Bring name-change documentation, if needed.
  • ATI login information (not FVTC login)


  • Arrive at least 10 minutes early. Late arrivals to the room will not be allowed to test.
  • TEAS exam is timed at 3 hours and 29 minutes. Please plan your schedule accordingly.
  • Please limit personal items to only what is needed as stated above. All other materials will be provided.
  • Upon completion, you will receive your score report.

Virtual testing:

  • You will receive an email to your (FVTC and/or personal email address) one day prior to your scheduled session. Please read through, and follow, the directions carefully.
  • Complete the dry-run, per email instructions, prior to test start time.
  • Current government-issued photo ID (driver’s license, state ID, passport). Copies, faxes, phones cannot be used. The name on your ID MUST match the name you are registered for in the system.
  • You will receive scoring information after the completion of your test.

If you do not achieve the required scores for your program:

  1. Refer to the “Preparing for the test” guidelines above to determine the best options to improve your opportunity for success.

  2. Take at least 30 days before re-testing so that you can study for the re-take exam.

You will be allowed to re-test only once.  If you do not successfully re-test within 3 terms of your initial TEAS exam, your program application will be withdrawn. After the third term ends, you will need to re-apply if you are successful on the re-test exam.

To schedule a re-test, follow the same registration instructions as your initial assessment. Another $65 assessment fee will be charged. If you are not successful on a re-test you will only be allowed to take the TEAS exam after a 3-year waiting period.

Accessing your Scores

At the completion of your assessment, you will receive your printable score report. Your scores will always be accessible to you on your MyFVTC Account as well as by signing into your ATI account at

If you have taken TEAS at another test site, please print a copy of your score report and send it to FVTC-Admissions. All this can be completed by logging into your ATI account at

Bennett Mechanical Comprehension Test® - II

About the BMCT-II

In addition to the ACCUPLACER, some FVTC automotive programs also require the Bennett Mechanical Comprehension Test® - II (BMCT-II). This assessment is used to determine your aptitude for learning mechanical skills in your applied mechanical job. It measures a complex set of abilities. Your mechanical knowledge, spatial intelligence, and mechanical reasoning are tested and analyzed. The BMCT-II is a 25-minute timed assessment consisting of 55 multiple-choice questions that represent samples, with illustrations, of frequently encountered mechanical situations. This assessment is offered at the Appleton and Oshkosh campuses only. Follow the registration process below.

Programs that Require the BMCT-II

The following programs require the Bennett Mechanical Comprehension Test® - II:

  • Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair Technician (TD)
  • Automotive & Light Duty Truck Technician (TD)
  • Automotive Technician – Imports (TD)
  • Automotive Technology (AAS)
  • Automotive Technology – GM ASEP (AAS)
  • Automotive Technology – Imports (AAS)
  • GM Express Service Technician (TD)
Prepare for Bennett

For a glimpse of what to expect on the Bennett test, watch this YouTube video.

If you have an Android device, this free app is available to download.

Registration & Fees

Call Enrollment Services at 920-735-5645 and let them know you need to register for your Bennett Mechanical test. Please have your FVTC student ID number ready.

Once registered, you can pay the assessment fee of $14 through your MyFVTC Account or by mailing a check to:

FVTC – Enrollment Services
1825 N Bluemound Drive
Appleton WI 54912

Day of Test

Testing can be completed at the:

  • Appleton Campus in the Testing Center, second floor; Room G212
  • Oshkosh Campus in the Testing Center, Room 111

You will need to:

  • Have a current photo ID with you in hand (photos on phones are not acceptable).  It must include your name and a recognizable photo.  A driver’s license or government-issued ID is preferred.
  • Have your FVTC Student ID number with you.  It is required to log into the BMCT.
  • Your $14 fee can be paid through your MyFVTC account or by mailing a check to Admissions prior to your testing.

All materials are provided at the testing session; personal belongings are not allowed in the testing room. Lockers are provided, but a quarter is needed (will get back when finished.) You will be provided instructions for the exam process. You will receive a copy of your score report after you complete the test.
Please allow yourself at least 45 minutes for parking, finding the room, checking in at the Testing Center, completing the test, and getting your scores.

Available testing hours for the BMCT-II are:

Appleton Campus                                                                                 
Click here for hours.

Oshkosh Campus
By appointment only, please call 920-236-6155

Please note: Hours may vary; please check the website for changes in schedule:


You will be allowed only one re-test. Follow the above registration instructions for your re-test. Another $14 assessment fee will be charged. Please let the proctor know at check-in if it is a re-test.


For More Information


ACCUPLACER Assessment Center
Appleton Campus
Room G208
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Fax: 920-993-5266


Assessment Center Guidelines (PDF)
ACCUPLACER Assessments also 

available at other FVTC locations
Hours may vary by location or
testing schedule.

K-12 Staff Resources
Need Disability-Related

If you need disability-related

Appleton: 920-735-2569
Oshkosh: 920-236-6155