Focus on Careers

Presented in partnership with WHBY by instructional experts at Fox Valley Technical College passionate about your career success.


FVTC is honored to engage in a new partnership with WHBY called “Focus on Careers.” This weekly program will launch on May 20 and air during Hayley Tenpas’ afternoon show, Focus Fox Valley, each Wednesday through August 5. The segment is designed to highlight careers of promise and what makes a positive college experience as ways to bring renewed optimism to the region.

The region's workforce always needs skill. Get ahead of the game and find your career pathway in time for an economic resurgence by tuning into 1150 AM103.5 FM or 106.3 FM each Wednesday at 5:40 p.m. for "Focus On Careers" or listen live below.

WHBY-Logo-Web Career topics covered include:

  • Affording college 
  • Credit transfer options 
  • Employment outlook 
  • Where will the jobs be as COVID changes?

Each episode is also available via podcast. Visit WHBY's Focus on Careers podcast.