Printed on 2/10/2025

Foundations of Teacher Education

10-522-2 Associate Degree (AAS) 60 Credits Financial Aid Eligible Location*: Appleton

*If general education courses are required, they may be available at multiple locations.

As a professional educator, you will work directly with elementary and middle school students under the supervision of a licensed teacher. Your training will include assisting children with math, science, reading and writing assignments as well as implementing classroom management, clerical and other tasks related to instruction. You may work with children at the elementary, middle, and high school levels, and a focus of the work may be with students who have special needs. You’ll also learn about monitoring student activities, correcting papers, tutoring, one-on-one activities, small group facilitation, and assisting children with technology. Graduates of this associate degree may also work as a K12 substitute teacher.

Due to program demand, licensure and certification requirements, and Wisconsin laws relating to residency, this program is currently not accepting out-of-state applicants.


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Course list for reference only. Current students please refer to your individualized program plan or see your advisor.
**Outside effort hours are an estimate based on state standards, and may vary from person to person.

    Technical Studies (42 Credits)

    Course Title
    Course Number
    Instructional Hours
    Outside Effort Hours**
    Prior Learning Credit Eligibility
  • EDU: Techniques in Reading

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10522102
    • Credits: 3.00

    The purpose of this course is to provide students with a solid foundation for effective literacy instruction in K – 9 grade classrooms. The course will focus on the major five elements of reading: phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. Phonological Awareness will also be addressed. This course will review research-based teaching strategies, instructional materials as well as methods and assessments for effective and inclusive literacy instruction.

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ALL of the following:

    • E CHILD 10522104 - EDU: Technology in Ed

  • EDU: Introduction to Educational Practices

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10522103
    • Credits: 3.00

    Students analyze preK-12 education in the United States, determine roles and responsibilities of school personnel, and explore current trends and best practices. Students identify how students learn and the foundations of lesson planning. Students analyze assessment strategies, classroom management, and techniques for supporting learners.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ALL of the following:

    OR ALL of the following:

    • Student is not in progress in Associate Degree, Apprenticeship, or Technical Diploma (31 or 32 level)

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ANY of the following options:

    • E CHILD 10522104 - EDU: Technology in Ed

    • E CHILD 10522150 - EDU: Intro to FCS Education

  • EDU: Technology in Education

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10522104
    • Credits: 3.00

    The focus of this course is for students to teach and learn with information and technology rather than about information and technology. The Wisconsin Department of Public Education (DPI) states that “Information and Technology Literacy is the ability of a teacher, working independently or with others, to use tools, resources, processes, and systems responsibly to access and evaluate information in any medium, and to use that information to solve problems, communicate clearly, make informed decisions, and construct new knowledge, products, or systems.”  Students will analyze all aspect of information and technology literacy as well as begin their digital professional teaching portfolio.

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ANY of the following options:

    • E CHILD 10522102 - EDU: Techniques in Reading

    • Student is in progress in Intro to Education (61-522-2) Program of Study

  • EDU: Behavior Management

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10522105
    • Credits: 3.00

    Students analyze the behavior of students in educational settings. Emphasis will be given to examining the influences on behavior and creating proactive learning environments through behavioral interventions and support. Students will evaluate strategies for creating a safe and supportive classroom environment.

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ANY of the following options:

    • E CHILD 10307179 - ECE: Child Development

    • E CHILD 10522106 - EDU: Child & Adol Dev

  • EDU: Child and Adolescent Development

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10522106
    • Credits: 3.00

    Students will analyze the physical, cognitive and social-emotional development of children with an emphasis on school age children and adolescents. Students will examine environmental factors that influence child development. Developmental theories will be summarized and related to current teaching practices.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ALL of the following:

    OR ALL of the following:

    • Student is not in progress in Associate Degree, Apprenticeship, or Technical Diploma (31 or 32 level)

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ANY of the following options:

    • E CHILD 10522107 - EDU: Overview of Spec Ed​

    • Student is in progress in Career and Technical Education Instruction (10-522-6) Program of Study

    • Student is in progress in Intro to Education (61-522-2) Program of Study

  • EDU: Overview of Special Education

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10522107
    • Credits: 3.00

    Students examine a historical overview of special education and special education law including special education disability categories as defined by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Students explore state and federal qualification special education criteria and societal responses to students with disabilities. Students examine the impact of a student with disabilities on family dynamics and the role school personnel play in supporting students with disabilities.

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ANY of the following options:

    • E CHILD 10522105 - EDU: Behavior Management

    • Student is in progress in Career and Technical Education Instruction (10-522-6) Program of Study

  • EDU: Equity in Education

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10522112
    • Credits: 3.00

    Students analyze personal culture, explore cultural constructs, evaluate cultural bias in educational materials and analyze strategies to support English Learners. Students examine diversity in the classroom and develop techniques for supporting equity in the learning environment. In addition, students collaborate to identify service needs in the community and demonstrate professional collaboration skills through participating in a service learning project.

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ALL of the following:

    • E CHILD 10522120 - EDU: Techniques in Science

  • EDU: Techniques in Language Arts

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10522114
    • Credits: 3.00

    Students will be introduced to the science and art of teaching language arts. Evidence-based approaches and assessments will be examined and practiced. Students will create a literature file through the exploration of a variety of children’s/young adult literature.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ALL of the following:

    • E CHILD 10522102 - EDU: Techniques in Reading

    • E CHILD 10522124 - EDU: Supporting Stu w/Disab

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ALL of the following:

    • E CHILD 10522119 - EDU: Techniques in Soc Stu

  • EDU: Techniques in Math

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10522118
    • Credits: 3.00

    Students learn key terminology and research-based strategies to support learners in math domains: numbers, base ten operations, algebraic thinking, geometry, probability/statistics and measurement and data. Current practice including manipulatives, problem solving and assessment will be covered within the framework of state and national standards.

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ALL of the following:

    • E CHILD 10522114 - EDU: Techniques in Lang Arts

  • EDU: Techniques in Social Studies

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10522119
    • Credits: 3.00

    Students analyze current content in social studies education as recommended by the National Council for Social Studies and Wisconsin DPI. Students design learning opportunities for the five content areas of social studies: Geography, History, Behavioral Sciences (Culture and Society), Political Science (Civics and Government), and Economics that incorporate the social studies inquiry practices and processes. Students receive training on the history, culture, and tribal sovereignty of Wisconsin’s eleven federally recognized American Indian nations and tribal communities (Act 31) and the Holocaust and other genocides (Act 30) to meet Wisconsin teacher standards and teaching requirements.

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ALL of the following:

    • E CHILD 10522118 - EDU: Techniques in Math

  • EDU: Techniques in Science

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10522120
    • Credits: 3.00

    Students are introduced to the content and processes of teaching science. Students explore science processes, strategies, procedures, assessment options and factors affecting science learning. Students practice strategies for assisting with group and individual activities in science. This course provides a foundation in the concepts and models of hands-on, student-centered science and its assessment as described in WI DPI Science Standards and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ALL of the following:

    • E CHILD 10522112 - EDU: Equity in Education

  • EDU: Supporting Students with Disabilities

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10522124
    • Credits: 3.00

    Students identify research-based interventions for learners in categories defined by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Students interpret Individualized Educational Programs and examine special education related services available for learners. Students collect data to document student behavior and academic performance and recommend program adaptations and accommodations for students with disabilities while applying the concepts of least restrictive environment and inclusion.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ANY of the following options:

    • E CHILD 10522105 - EDU: Behavior Management

    • E CHILD 10522107 - EDU: Overview of Spec Ed

  • EDU: Practicum 1

    • Instructional Hours: 162
    • Outside Effort Hours: 36
    • Course Number: 10522129
    • Credits: 3.00

    Students apply the skills learned in previous program courses in a school setting while under the supervision of a Department of Public Instruction certified teacher. Students support learners while demonstrating professionalism. Students begin the reflective process.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ALL of the following:

    • E CHILD 10522124 - EDU: Supporting Stu w/Disab

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ANY of the following options:

    • E CHILD 10522102 - EDU: Techniques in Reading

    • E CHILD 10522114 - EDU: Techniques in Lang Arts

  • EDU: Practicum 2

    • Instructional Hours: 162
    • Outside Effort Hours: 36
    • Course Number: 10522131
    • Credits: 3.00

    Students apply the skills learned in previous program courses in a school setting while under the supervision of a Department of Public Instruction certified teacher. Students support learners and while demonstrating professionalism. Students apply job search skills.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ALL of the following:

    • E CHILD 10522129 - EDU: Practicum 1

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ALL of the following:

    • E CHILD 10522112 - EDU: Equity in Education​

    General Studies (18 Credits)

    Course Title
    Course Number
    Instructional Hours
    Outside Effort Hours**
    Prior Learning Credit Eligibility
  • English Composition 1

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10801136
    • Credits: 3.00

    Learners develop and apply skills in all aspects of the writing process. Through a variety of learning activities and written documents, learners employ rhetorical strategies, plan, organize and revise content, apply critical reading strategies, locate and evaluate information, integrate and document sources, and apply standardized English language conventions.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ALL of the following:

    OR ALL of the following:

    • Student is not in progress in Associate Degree, Apprenticeship, or Technical Diploma (31 or 32 level)

  • Oral/Interpersonal Comm

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10801196
    • Credits: 3.00

    Focuses on developing effective listening techniques and verbal and nonverbal communication skills through oral presentation, group activity, and other projects. The study of self, conflict, and cultural contexts will be explored, as well as their impact on communication.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ALL of the following:

    OR ALL of the following:

    • Student is not in progress in Associate Degree, Apprenticeship, or Technical Diploma (31 or 32 level)

  • Math w Business Apps

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10804123
    • Credits: 3.00

    This course integrates algebraic concepts, proportions, percents, simple interest, compound interest, annuities, and basic statistics with business/consumer scenarios. It also applies math concepts to the purchasing/buying and selling processes.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ANY of the following options:

    • Accuplacer Arithmetic 250+ OR HS GPA 2.75+ OR ACT Math 16+ OR Arithmetic Level 1 Coursework

    • Student is not in progress in Associate Degree, Apprenticeship, or Technical Diploma (31 or 32 level)

  • Introduction to Diversity Studies

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10809172
    • Credits: 3.00

    This course introduces the study of diversity from a local to a global perspective using a holistic, interdisciplinary approach that encourages exploration and prepares students to work in a diverse environment. The course introduces basic diversity concepts, examines the impact of bias and power differentials among groups, explores the use of culturally responsive communication strategies, and compares forces that shape diversity in an international context.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ALL of the following:

    OR ALL of the following:

    • Student is not in progress in Associate Degree, Apprenticeship, or Technical Diploma (31 or 32 level)

  • Intro to Sociology

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10809196
    • Credits: 3.00

    Introduces students to the fundamental sociological concepts, including sociological perspectives, research methods, the significance of culture in society, and the socialization process. Other topics include deviance, the impact of groups on behavior, societal inequities, global changes, the role of social institutions, and social stratification.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ALL of the following:

    OR ALL of the following:

    • Student is not in progress in Associate Degree, Apprenticeship, or Technical Diploma (31 or 32 level)

  • Intro to Psychology

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10809198
    • Credits: 3.00

    This science of psychology course is a survey of multiple aspects of behavior and mental processes. It provides an overview of topics such as research methods, theoretical perspectives, learning, cognition, memory, motivation, emotions, personality, abnormal psychology, physiological factors, social influences, and development.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ALL of the following:

    OR ALL of the following:

    • Student is not in progress in Associate Degree, Apprenticeship, or Technical Diploma (31 or 32 level)


Expected Competencies

For more information visit our Credit For Prior Learning page.