- Instructional Hours: 54
- Outside Effort Hours: 108
- Course Number: 10804107
- Credits: 3.00
Credit for Prior Learning Options Available
This course is designed to review and develop fundamental concepts of mathematics in the areas of algebra, geometry, trigonometry, measurement and data. Algebra topics emphasize simplifying algebraic expressions, solving linear equations and inequalities with one variable, solving proportions and percent applications. Geometry and trigonometry topics include; finding areas and volumes of geometric figures, applying similar and congruent triangles, applying Pythagorean Theorem, and solving right triangles using trigonometric ratios. Measurement topics emphasize the application of measurement concepts and conversion techniques within and between U.S. customary and metric system to solve problems. Data topics emphasize data organization and summarization skills, including: frequency distributions, central tendency, relative position and measures of dispersion. Special emphasis is placed on problem solving, critical thinking and logical reasoning, making connections, and using calculators.
Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ANY of the following options:
Accuplacer Arithmetic 263+ OR HS GPA 2.75+ OR ACT Math 18+ OR Arithmetic Level 2 Coursework
Student is not in progress in Associate Degree, Apprenticeship, or Technical Diploma (31 or 32 level)