Printed on 2/10/2025

Criminal Justice

10-504-5 Associate Degree (AAS) Part Time, Full Time 63 Credits Financial Aid Eligible Locations*: Appleton, Online

*If general education courses are required, they may be available at multiple locations.

Join the ranks of those who protect and serve with a rewarding career in criminal justice. You’ll gain an overview of the role of the criminal justice system in our society and will become familiar with law enforcement, corrections, criminal procedures, juvenile law and constitutional law. In addition, you’ll gain skills in communication, crime prevention, report writing and forensic science applications. This program will prepare you for a career in many of the criminal justice related fields.


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Course list for reference only. Current students please refer to your individualized program plan or see your advisor.
**Outside effort hours are an estimate based on state standards, and may vary from person to person.

    Technical Studies (42 Credits)

    Course Title
    Course Number
    Instructional Hours
    Outside Effort Hours**
    Prior Learning Credit Eligibility
  • Cultural Diversity In Criminal Justice

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10504103
    • Credits: 3.00

    Explore the impact of varied cultures on American policing, courts, and corrections.

  • Principles of Emergency Management

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10504106
    • Credits: 3.00

    Introduces the student to the principles, theories, and practices of emergency management. The philosophy of comprehensive Emergency Management will be discussed including mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery. In addition, students will obtain ICS-100 and FEMA IS-700 certification.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ALL of the following:

    • CRIME 10504204 - Criminal Justice System

  • Introduction to Forensic Science

    • Instructional Hours: 72
    • Outside Effort Hours: 90
    • Course Number: 10504110
    • Credits: 3.00

    Explores the applications of science in the field of crime scene management from the crime scene to the courtroom and beyond. Students will focus on the examination and reconstruction of various crime scenes with the emphasis on the identification, collection, documentation and preservation of physical evidence.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ALL of the following:

    • Accuplacer Reading 250+ OR HS GPA 2.75+ OR ACT Reading 18+ OR Reading Level 3 Coursework

    • Accuplacer Sentence 250+ OR HS GPA 2.75+ OR ACT English 18+ OR English Level 2 Coursework

    • Student is in progress in the Program of Study of Forensic Science (10-504-4) OR Criminal Justice Studies (10-504-5)

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ALL of the following:

    • CRIME 94900315 - A.C.E

    OR ALL of the following:

    • Student is not in progress in Associate Degree, Apprenticeship, or Technical Diploma (31 or 32 level)

  • Employment Strategies in Public Safety

    • Instructional Hours: 18
    • Outside Effort Hours: 36
    • Course Number: 10504117
    • Credits: 1.00

    Designed for students seeking employment in such public or private emergency services as law enforcement, firefighting, security and emergency medical services. This course requires practical application of classroom information pertaining to employment applications and interviews.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ALL of the following:

    • CRIME 10504201 - Intro to Corrections

    • CRIME 10504204 - Criminal Justice System

  • Cultural Competence and Ethics in Criminal Justice

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10504120
    • Credits: 3.00

    Provides a basic understanding of the theoretical foundations of ethical thoughts and cultural competence. Diverse ethical perspectives and cultural competence practices will be used to analyze and compare relevant issues in law enforcement. Student will critically evaluate individual, social and/or professional standards of behavior within society/law enforcement and also apply a systematic decision-making process to these situations.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ALL of the following:

    • CRIME 10504103 - Cultural Diversity In CJ

    • CRIME 10504201 - Intro to Corrections

    • CRIME 10504204 - Criminal Justice System

  • Criminal Justice Issues Capstone

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 54
    • Course Number: 10504200
    • Credits: 2.00

    Covers the latest developments in criminal justice employment. This course is designed to give prospective law enforcement officers a realistic view of related occupations. Topics include liability, affirmative action, organized unions, statutes relating to employment in various agencies, stress factors, agency policies, civil rights of employees, ethics, and automation and technology.

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ALL of the following:

    • CRIME 10504110 - Intro to Forensic Science

    • CRIME 10504209 - Juvenile Procedures

    • CRIME 10504210 - Police Community Relations

  • Introduction to Corrections

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10504201
    • Credits: 3.00

    Examines the concept of punishment and its form, functions, and enforcement throughout history, with an emphasis on the operation, structure, clientele, and issues confronting the institutions, agencies, and programs encompassing the corrections system including jails, prisons, and probation and parole.

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ALL of the following:

  • Crime Prevention Principles

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10504203
    • Credits: 3.00

    This course explores ways to protect personal items. In this course students will understand the different types of glazing materials, environmental design, principles of lighting, how to conduct a building survey, hold community meetings and continue to educate the public.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ANY of the following options:

    • CRIME 10504204 - Criminal Justice System

    • Student is in progress in Crime Prevention (20-504-23) Program of Study

  • Criminal Justice System

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10504204
    • Credits: 3.00

    Distinguish the roles of courts and law enforcement agencies; identify the purpose of law enforcement in American society; describe how professionalism and ethics relate to law enforcement; understand crime in America; explain basic aspects of criminal law; gain an understanding of sentencing of offenders as it relates to prison and jails; compare adult and juvenile justice.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ALL of the following:

    • Student is in progress in the Program of Study of Asset Protection (10-504-3) OR Criminal Justice Studies (10-504-5)

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ALL of the following:

    OR ALL of the following:

    • Student is in progress in the Program of Study of Fundamentals of Financial Fraud Detection (20-101-4) OR Law Enforcement Administrative Professional (20-106-12)

  • Writing Reports

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10504205
    • Credits: 3.00

    Explain the context of report writing, take effective field notes, organize information in reports, write narratives, describe what information should be included in certain types of reports, prepare for court, describe how to be an effective witness, and testify as a witness in court.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ALL of the following:

    • CRIME 10504207 - Communicating Professionally

    OR ALL of the following:

    • CRIME 10504112 - Public Safety Communication AND CRIME 10504201 - Intro to Corrections

    OR ALL of the following:

    • Student is in progress in the Program of Study of Forensic Science (10-504-4) OR Private Investigation Specialist (20-504-2)

  • Communicating Professionally

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10504207
    • Credits: 3.00

    Apply knowledge of the communication process, communication techniques, integrate verbal and physical intervention skills, develop strategies to obtain information in a variety of situations, differentiate between an interview and an interrogation, and analyze information for consideration as corroborative evidence.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ANY of the following options:

    • CRIME 10504201 - Intro to Corrections

    • Student is in progress in Asset Protection (10-504-3) Program of Study

  • Criminal Procedures

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10504208
    • Credits: 3.00

    Identify basic concepts of criminal law; analyze facts, circumstances, and situations and determine which crimes against persons have been committed; analyze facts, circumstances, and situations and determine which crimes against property have been committed; and analyze facts, circumstances, and situations and determine which crimes involving drugs, alcohol or other criminal activity have been committed.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ANY of the following options:

    • CRIME 10504201 - Intro to Corrections

    • Student is in progress in the Program of Study of Forensic Science (10-504-4) OR Private Investigation Specialist (20-504-2)

  • Juvenile Procedures

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10504209
    • Credits: 3.00

    Describe the juvenile justice system; describe how juveniles in need of protection or services or delinquent are handled; identify constitutional law issues relevant to juveniles; analyze the role of law enforcement and other agencies in responding to and investigating child maltreatment; and recognize the unique investigative issues for missing children.

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ANY of the following options:

    • CRIME 10504208 - Criminal Procedures

    • Student is in progress in Child Protection Investigator (20-504-12) Program of Study

  • Police Community Relations

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10504210
    • Credits: 3.00

    Identify available community resources; explain the rewards and challenges of a diverse society; evaluate communication barriers with the public; respond to hate crimes; apply statutory requirements for emergency detentions and emergency protective placements of persons; apply crisis intervention principles and techniques; describe policing strategies; and apply principles of crime prevention.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ANY of the following options:

    • CRIME 10504112 - Public Safety Communication

    • CRIME 10504207 - Communicating Professionally

  • Constitutional Principles

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10504211
    • Credits: 3.00

    Diagram the structure of the criminal justice system; identify when constitutional rules apply; identify the elements of a lawful arrest; identify the requirements for search warrants, and when warrantless searches are permitted; identify the requirements governing confessions and statements; and analyze the requirements for evidence to be admissible in court.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ANY of the following options:

    • CRIME 10504208 - Criminal Procedures

    • Student is in progress in Fundamentals of Financial Fraud Detection (20-101-4) Program of Study

    General Studies (18 Credits)

    Course Title
    Course Number
    Instructional Hours
    Outside Effort Hours**
    Prior Learning Credit Eligibility
  • Written Communication

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10801195
    • Credits: 3.00

    Develops writing skills which include prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing. A variety of writing assignments are designed to help the learner analyze audience and purpose, research and organize ideas, and format and design documents based on subject matter and content. Also develops critical reading and thinking skills through the analysis of a variety of written documents.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ALL of the following:

    OR ALL of the following:

    • Student is not in progress in Associate Degree, Apprenticeship, or Technical Diploma (31 or 32 level)

  • Oral/Interpersonal Comm

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10801196
    • Credits: 3.00

    Focuses on developing effective listening techniques and verbal and nonverbal communication skills through oral presentation, group activity, and other projects. The study of self, conflict, and cultural contexts will be explored, as well as their impact on communication.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ALL of the following:

    OR ALL of the following:

    • Student is not in progress in Associate Degree, Apprenticeship, or Technical Diploma (31 or 32 level)

  • Quantitative Reasoning

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10804135
    • Credits: 3.00

    This course is intended to develop analytic reasoning and the ability to solve quantitative problems. Topics to be covered may include: construction & interpretation of graphs; descriptive statistics; geometry & spatial visualizations; math of finance; functions and modeling; probability; and logic. Appropriate use of units and dimensions, estimates, mathematical notation, and available technology will be emphasized throughout the course.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ANY of the following options:

    • Accuplacer Arithmetic 263+ OR HS GPA 2.75+ OR ACT Math 18+ OR Arithmetic Level 2 Coursework

    • Student is not in progress in Associate Degree, Apprenticeship, or Technical Diploma (31 or 32 level)

  • Abnormal Psychology

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10809159
    • Credits: 3.00

    The course addresses the foundations of abnormal psychology and psychological disorders, including their characteristics, possible causes, assessments, diagnostic processes, and treatments. The course includes examination of major historical and theoretical perspectives, research, sociocultural considerations, and elements of psychological wellness.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ANY of the following options:

    • SOC STY 10809198 - Intro to Psychology

    • SOC STY 10809199 - Psychology of Human Relations

    • Instructor Consent

  • Intro to Sociology

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10809196
    • Credits: 3.00

    Introduces students to the fundamental sociological concepts, including sociological perspectives, research methods, the significance of culture in society, and the socialization process. Other topics include deviance, the impact of groups on behavior, societal inequities, global changes, the role of social institutions, and social stratification.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ALL of the following:

    OR ALL of the following:

    • Student is not in progress in Associate Degree, Apprenticeship, or Technical Diploma (31 or 32 level)

  • Intro to Psychology

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10809198
    • Credits: 3.00

    This science of psychology course is a survey of multiple aspects of behavior and mental processes. It provides an overview of topics such as research methods, theoretical perspectives, learning, cognition, memory, motivation, emotions, personality, abnormal psychology, physiological factors, social influences, and development.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ALL of the following:

    OR ALL of the following:

    • Student is not in progress in Associate Degree, Apprenticeship, or Technical Diploma (31 or 32 level)


Expected Competencies

For more information visit our Credit For Prior Learning page.